NI, PRYAPISME, JEAN JEAN,MARVIN, 100%CHEVARIER, CHEVREUIL, ELECTRIC ELECTRIC,などなど個性的なバンドが百花繚乱といった様相。中でも群を抜いて個性的なバンドが今回特集するPOILです。
同郷の大先輩MAGMA,ALBERT MARCOUERのプログレッシブでポップなアナルも拝借しながらモダンなMATH ROCK,ALTERNATIVE的骨太で強烈なロックを叩きつけています。アイデアの洪水のような作品の中で更に強く耳を惹くのが日本やケチャのアジア風メロディー。訳が分からないのでとにかく聞いてみました。インタヴューです。どうぞ。



Q1:Your new album “Brossaklitt” has just released. How is the reaction?

【POIL】:Very warm and positive ​reactions​ ​so far​! We worked hard for this new album and we are proud of it… People seem to enjoy it. We ha​ve a good distribution and nice reviews, and shows are going well , so…



Q2:The artwork is so electrifying and artistic. Would you like to explain it?

 【POIL】:The artwork was created by Lila Malas, a French artist. She composed the graphics on the theme of Brossaklitt, which mean mustache in our own language. She made a really good job, adapting her style to our music perfectly.


【POIL】:アートワークはLila Malasによって製作されたんだ。フランスのアーティストだよ。Brossaklittは僕ら独自の言語で口ひげって意味なんだけど彼女はそのテーマに沿って作ってくれたんだ。実に良い仕事をしてくれたね。彼女のスタイルと僕らの音楽が完全に馴染んでいるよ。


Q3:Were all Lyrics written in French? And would you tell me about details of Lyrics?

 【POIL】:A part of the Lyrics is written in French… a specific French with some invented words (Brossaklitt ; Patachou). We also mix languages. Sometime in English (Goddog), in Portuguese and Japanese (Mao), in German (Patachou).  Most of the time we use words for their sound rather than their meaning. Sometimes we use google translate to produce sentences in languages ​​we don’t speak. Our favorite subject remains ass, tits, alcohol and drugs. We are still stupid teenagers…





Q1:Anyway, I think this album obliviously includes tracks that are influenced by Japanese traditional music like “Nou” or “Gagaku”. How about it?  

【POIL】:Altogether! Moreover, we quote a melody from a Nagauta song in the track Fionosphere. We are constantly inspired by the music we love and Japanese traditional music is totally crazy! One of our future project would be to play with Nô theater singers. It’s an old dream and if you know some of theme tell us please!!



Q2:Sometimes,you update your facebook page in Japanese.  What is Japan to you?

【POIL】:We don’t know many things about Japan, except Guilhem (the drummer) who already came to play with uKandanZ, but of course we’d love to discover Japan! however we love japanese arts , like litterature , cinema , paintings and traditional music… which are quite fascinating​




Q3:What do you think about Japanese bands like kouenjihyakkei or aburadako. And do you know other good Japanese bands?

 【POIL】:Sorry we don’t know those bands…  We probably need to come playing with PoiL, it would be a good way to learn more about Japanese music. Nevertheless we know and like Melt Banana, Korekyojin and Ruins… That’s all for the moment.




[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/50162878″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Q1:In your facebook page, you refer to Frank Zappa, Frederic Chopin and Charlie Chaplin,Samula mammas manna, Magma・・・and so on. Please tell me about the influence from them.


 【POIL】:We don’t refer to Zappa, Magma, Samula Mammas… But people who like  progrock always speak about these bands like an obsession. When the music is surfing between rock and classical written music or jazz critics and fans​ always refer to Zappa, Magma, Gong and so on, but we don’t care about it. If our music speaks​ to our listeners that’s the most important for us. If you ask us where are our inspirations we need to make a big list. It’s not only Zappa and Magma. We can quote Karleinz Stockhausen, György Ligeti, Luciano Bério, Kurt Schwitter, Nirvana, Stravinsky, Varèse, Rage Against the Machine, The Beasty Boys, La compagnie Lubat, Beck, Saïan supa crew, Daft Punk, pygmies music, japanese traditional music, Bali’s Gamelan, Sonic Youth,Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Mr Bungle, Charly Mingus, Coltrane, fuck’n rad, Battles, Extra Life, Omar Souleiman, Melt Banana, Steve Warring, Steve Reich, Steve Colman, Steven Spielberg (cf the end of Mao)…….

Q1:Frank Zappa, Frederic Chopin and Charlie Chaplin,Samula mammas manna, Magmaなどに言及している記事を見かけました。音楽的影響について話していただけますか?

【POIL】:うーん、ZAPPA、MAGMA、SAMULA MAMMASについて言及した事はないと思うよ。だけどプログロック好きはいつも取り憑かれたようにそれらのバンドを挙げるよね。ロックとクラッシック、ジャズを行き来するような音楽だと評論家もファンもすぐZAPPA, MAGMA, GONGなんかに言及する。だけど僕らは気にしないよ。音楽がリスナーに訴えかけるかどうかが一番大事なんだ。もし僕らのインスピレーションの源を訪ねたいならリストは膨大なものになる。ZAPPAとMAGMAだけじゃないんだ。Karleinz Stockhausen, György Ligeti, Luciano Bério, Kurt Schwitter, Nirvana, Stravinsky, Varèse, Rage Against the Machine, The Beasty Boys, La compagnie Lubat, Beck, Saïan supa crew, Daft Punk, pygmies music, japanese traditional music, Bali’s Gamelan, Sonic Youth,Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Mr Bungle, Charly Mingus, Coltrane, fuck’n rad, Battles, Extra Life, Omar Souleiman, Melt Banana, Steve Warring, Steve Reich, Steve Colman, Steven Spielberg (cf the end of Mao)……. といった所かな。

Q2:Speak of Magma, how is French Prog scene? Do you know any good bands that recommends for readers?

【POIL】:We don’t know many things about prog scene but we know many good french bands like Ni, Chromb!, Fat32, Ifif Between, Q, Gablé, le Singe Blanc, Daïkiri,


【POIL】:そんなにプログシーンは詳しい訳じゃないんだけどフランスの良いバンドなら沢山知っているよ。Ni, Chromb!, Fat32, Ifif Between, Q, Gablé, le Singe Blanc, Daïkiri,

Q3:What do you think about Math rock? Do you think you are involved in the movement of Math rock?

【POIL】:Math Rock, Progrock, Jazz Rock, Noise…. For us it doesn’t make sens​e​ anymore. these are just labels that ​people ​stick on​ bands to comfort the​mselves , in order to get the idea that they control something , that they know something about what it is .​


【POIL】:Math Rock, Progrock, Jazz Rock, Noise…. 僕らにとってあまりジャンル分けは意味がないんだ。そういうのって結局誰かが自己満足の為にバンドに貼るラベルってだけでしょ。彼らが何かをコントロールするのに都合が良いだけさ。

Would you tell me 5 albums that changed your life? And recently,What are you listening to?


Stockhausen – Hymnen

Mr Bungle – Disco Volante

Sonic Youth – Expiremtal Jet Set, Trash & No Star

Slint – Spiderland

Jeff Buckley – Grace

We listen to a lot of stuff, rock, classical, experimental…



Hope we can make it to Japan next year ! ​

See you soon! Bisous!



こちらこそチュッです。Merci Beaucuop,Poil!!



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