“Chthonic Uses Political Music To Let The World Know Taiwan, We Want To Change The World With Faith.”
台湾・台中 – 1月の土曜日の夜、観客は耳をつんざくようなリフを期待した。
台湾の仏教メタルバンド、DAHRMA 達磨楽団のメンバーであるミャオ・ベンさん(50歳)。彼女が、ゴシック・メイク、死神のローブ、偽の血をまとった他のメンバーのとなりに立つと、対照的な光景か広がる。控えめに言ってもメタル世界には異色の存在。「伝統的な人々にメタルと仏教の融合を説明するためには、本当に準備をしなければならないわ。」
「最初にメタルを聞いたときは受け入れがたいと思ったけど、彼らのコンサートに参加してからは、美しいメロディーがあるし、何よりバンドの情熱に感動したの。森の中の寺院で静かに歌うことを好む、台湾の伝統的な信者からは反対の声も上がっているけれどね。DAHRMA はその壁を割るような和音が、音楽的にも精神的にも宗教と合っているの」
ミャオ・ベンによると、彼女は昨年、かつての同級生を通じて台北のドラム指導者でバンドの創始者でもあるジャック・タンと知り合ったそうだ。彼女が DAHRMA に参加したのは、メタルが台湾の若い人たちと信仰を結びつけてくれると思ったからだという。
リード・シンガーのジョー・ヘンリーは38歳のカナダ人で、大学のルームメイトの勧めで2005年に台湾に移住し、その1年後にドラマーの創設者と出会う。彼は他の仕事のストレスを和らげるためにバンドに参加したが、DAHRMA の歌詞を学ぶうちに、キリスト教から仏教へと改宗し、今ではこの場所を “避難所” と呼んでいる。
台湾内務省のデータによると、人口の35%にあたる約800万人の台湾人が仏教徒である。デビュー EP “BHAISAJYAGURU” が世界を変える。
LA TIMES:This is what happens when a Buddhist nun joins a heavy metal band
Q1: This is the first interview with you. So, at first, could you tell us about the band and yourself? What kind of music were you listening to, when you were growing up?
【JACK】: I’m currently plays in DHARMA(Death Metal)、Stench of Lust (Grindcore)、77 N’DD(Electronica)as their drummer.
I very much grew up the same time as Taiwan’s Rock ‘n Roll scene starts to sprout. My first band Jack and the beanstalk used to play at Wooden Top (Live house in Taipei) along side with Assassin, Nice Vice and other pioneer bands. At the time rock music just started to gain some popularity and acceptance, I was lucky to be a part of it, and because of that I noticed how much of a minority we are and the lack of rock culture in Taiwan. I spent most of my adulthood working to help rock music take root in ethnic Chinese culture, I have taught in countless charity groups and school clubs.
These are my favorite bands. Gun N’ Roses、Slayer、Sepultura、Napalm Death、Cannibal Corpse.
Q1: 本誌初登場です!まずはあなたの音楽的なバックグラウンドからお話ししていただけますか?
【JACK】: 僕は現在、DHARMA (デスメタル)、Stench of Lust (グラインドコア)、77 N’DD (エレクトロニカ)のドラマーとして活動しているんだ。
僕は、台湾のロックンロール・シーンが芽生え始めたのと同じ時期に育ったんだよ。僕の最初のバンド JACK AND THE BEANSTALK は、台北のライブハウス Wooden Top で、ASSASSIN や NICE VICE といった先駆的なバンドと一緒に演奏していたんだよね。当時台湾では、ロックが人気を博し、受け入れられ始めた頃で、僕は幸運にもその一部になることができたのさ。またそのおかげで、僕たちがいかにマイノリティであるか、そして台湾にロック文化がないかについて気づいたんだよね。
大人になってからは、中華の民族文化にロックが根付くようにするため、数え切れないほどのチャリティーグループや学校のクラブで教えたりを続けている。好きなバンドは、GUNS N’ ROSES, SLAYER, SEPLUTURA, NAPALM DEATH, CANNIBAL CORPSE だよ。
Q2: How did the band come to be? Why did you choose Dharma for your band name?
【JACK】: I first heard of Tibetan Buddhist scriptures around 2000’s, I was very much a metalhead at the time and I was shocked by the borderline screamo way of chanting, especially as someone that grew up in a Buddhist household, I was immediately inspired to start working on rhythms and beats with tons of ideas.
DHARMA’s creative inspiration https://youtu.be/brm2a8zmGYM
This isn’t the exact song but it’s quite similar, if you’re a metal fan I’m sure you’d probably see where the inspiration came from.
2007Revilement-6 Words Admonishment https://youtu.be/H49F730dVm0 In 2007 we’ve tried and performed one of the songs, it wasn’t good enough but we tired. And in 2018 me and our guitarist Andy finally settled down on some ideas and begin to produce solid songs based on mantras.
In this modern society, with the advancement of technology and promotion of individualism, the moral and ethics are at its all-time low. As a teacher that work not only in studios but also schools I can especially feel the change in the younger generations. I’m hoping through religion we can inspire the good in people, it doesn’t necessary has to be Buddhism, it could be Daoism, Christianism, Catholicism or even Satanism. I believe all religion bases on a foundation of peace and harmony. And personally I’m hoping to do my part in Buddhism.
Finally in 2018 Jack and Andy found the idea to start all the song. And found all the members of the group and finally the master joined.
Dharma is quite likely the first band in the world to combine ancient and traditional Buddhist sutras with the modern style of death metal.
After years of refinement by drummer Jack Tung and guitarist Andy Yang, Dharma was finally born, with members hailing from Taiwan and Canada. Throughout the creative process of the band, the basic tenets of Buddhism were adhered to, with the blessing of a local Buddhist master teacher, and members have all taken refuge in the Three Jewels.
“Dharma” is the cosmic law and order as expressed by the Buddha’s teachings. The core value is the proper and wise understanding of one’s self through the cosmic law, where all living creatures hold to their roles.
The Chinese name of “Dharma” uses a more commonly known phonetic translation.
Q2: バンド結成の経緯を教えていただけますか?なぜバンド名に DHARMA を選んだのでしょう?
【JACK】: 僕がチベット仏教の経典 (マントラ) を初めて耳にしたのは2000年代に入ってからなんだけど、当時の僕はメタルに傾倒していて、特に仏教徒の家庭で育った者としてあのスクリーモに近い唱え方に衝撃を受けたんだよね。僕はすぐにインスピレーションを受け、大量のアイデアを持ってそのリズムやビートに取り組み始めたんだ。
DHARMA のクリエイティブなインスピレーション: https://youtu.be/brm2a8zmGYM
2007Revilement-6 Words Admonishment: https://youtu.be/H49F730dVm0
2007年に僕たちは曲の1つを試して演奏したんだけど、十分ではなかったね。そして2018年、僕とギタリストの Andy はようやくいくつかのアイデアに落ち着き、マントラに基づいたしっかりとした楽曲を制作し始めたんだ。
2018年、僕とアンディはそうしてグループのすべてのメンバーを見つけ、最後にマスターが加わったんだ。DHARMA は、古代の伝統的な仏教の経典とデスメタルの現代的なスタイルを組み合わせた世界初のバンドである可能性がかなり高いと思う。バンドの創作過程では、仏教の基本的な教義が守られ、地元の仏教の先生の祝福を受けているんだ。メンバーは全員、三宝に帰依している。
Q3: Chthonic is one of the most famous Taiwanese metal bands in the world, they are also a political band, right? What do you think about them and the metal scene in Taiwan?
【JACK】: Chthonic uses political music to let the world know Taiwan, we want to change the world with faith .
We’re hoping to work through Buddhism(Taoism), bring back the attention that was once there for religion. Seeing how the average age of believers (all religion) getting older and older, we wish to bring back the lost energy by introducing ancient eastern mantras filled with meaning and power of blessing with a modern twist, by touring and attending different festivals around the world we can inspire the passion of religion once again. Obviously we’d love that our audience becomes Buddhist but we respect all religion as long it preaches mercy and peace. Our music is for everyone no matter ones religion or skin tone, even if you’re an atheist.
The ancient ways need reinventing, and metal music itself is in need of change; transformation. Dharma has done just that.
Q3: CHTHONIC はおそらく台湾から世界に飛躍した初めてのメタルバンドで、非常に政治的なバンドでもありますよね。
【JACK】: CHTHONIC は政治的な音楽を使って世界に台湾の現状を伝えようとしているよね。一方で、僕たちは信仰で世界を変えたいと思っているんだよ。
宗教におけるかつてのやり方は再発明を必要としていて、メタル・ミュージック自体も変化や変革を必要としている。DHARMA はまさにそれを成し遂げようとしているんだ。
Q4: I first learned about you guys from a video of your live performance. I was amazed and impressed to see a nun joining in the performance. Could you tell us how she got involved?
【JACK】: Throughout the creative process of the band, the basic tenets of Buddhism were adhered to, with the blessing of a local Buddhist master teacher (Master Song of Taipei), and all members have taken refuge in the Three Jewels.
But Master Song is over 70 years old. Can’t do too many shows with us. So the show was attended by Master Miao Ben.
Q4: はじめてあなたたちのライブパフォーマンスを YouTube で見たときは鳥肌が立ちましたよ。尼僧が参加したメタルバンドなど、前代未聞でしたしね。
【JACK】: バンドのクリエイティブなプロセスでは、仏教の基本的な教えを守り、地元の仏教師範の先生(台北の宋老師)の加護を受け、メンバー全員が三宝に帰依している。
Q5: Metal and Buddhism seem to be contradictory elements, but why did you decide to fuse the two?
【JACK】: Dharma uses the ferocity of death metal to represent the Buddha’s protection. Dharma utilizes blast beats and alternate picking to express the furious and dark side of the Buddhist scriptures. The inherit anger of death metal augments the will of the scriptures to instill within the listener a sense of spiritual relief and undeniable passion through the release of karma.
(Buddhism and Taoism are polytheistic. Each deity is in charge of Its own duties, and each statue takes on a different form, depending on the deity. Dharma represents the Buddha’s guardian stance and furious stance.)
Q5: 凶暴で邪悪なイメージのメタルと、調和と安寧の仏教は相反するようにも思えます。この2つを融合しようと思ったのはなぜですか?
【JACK】: DHARMA は、デスメタルの獰猛さを用いて、仏陀の守護を表現しているんだ。そして、ブラスト・ビートとオルタネイト・ピッキングを用いて、仏典の激しさと暗さを表現している。
Q6: Speaking of religion and ideology, there have been various genres of metal in the past, such as Christian metal and black metal with a devotion to Satanism. How is your Buddhist metal different from them?
【JACK】: I’d assume that goes the same for most Black/Death metal fans, it’s a way to relief the tension and stress that builds up in our daily lives. Not all metalheads are anti-social just like not all horror fans are about killing, it’s simply a type of outlet for emotion and thoughts.
Christian Metal and Black Metal, who are dedicated to Satanism, hope to use their music to promote their beliefs. The Bodhidharma is also, but maybe we have never seen metal music in Buddhism. Maybe we created Buddhist Death Metal.
Q6: メタルにおける宗教といえば、クリスチャン・メタルやサタニズムに根ざしたブラックメタルなどがこれまでにも存在していますね。彼らとあなたたちの仏教メタルは何が異なるのでしょう?
【JACK】: 僕はほとんどのブラック/デスメタルファンも同じだと信じているんだ。つまり、これは日常生活で蓄積された緊張やストレスを解消する方法なんだよ。すべてのメタルヘッズが反社会的なわけではもちろんないし、すべてのホラーファンが殺人を目的としているわけでもないでしょ?
Q7: The sound of the mantra fits your intense metal better than we can imagine, doesn’t it? Mantras are very musical, would you agree?
【JACK】: Traditional mantras usually have a plain tone, neither too long, nor too short. It is difficult to create music. But it is spiritually suitable.
Buddhism originated in India, therefore Dharma performs in Sanskrit, hoping to be as close to the original sutra as possible so the audience would be bathed in Buddhism/Taoism. It’s fine even if the audience doesn’t understand the sutra or cannot comprehend the pronunciation, as the sutras themselves hold the power and the blessings of the Buddhas. Sutras in Sanskrit are more than just sounds. They each have their own meanings. The meanings might be multi-dimensional. It’s the power of sound, and that’s why Dharma kept the original Sanskrit, hoping the audience can find inner peace and resolution after hearing Dharma’s music.
Q7: それにしても、マントラの響きはメタルのインテンスに想像以上にフィットしますね。とても音楽的な経典ですよね?
【JACK】: 伝統的なマントラは、長すぎず、短すぎず、平易な音色であることが多い。ここから音楽を作るのは簡単じゃないよ。だけど、音楽的なスピリットとしては実に適しているんだ。
とにかくマントラには音に力が宿っている。だからこそ DHARMA はオリジナルのサンスクリット語を維持しているし、僕たちの音楽を聴いた後、観客が心の平和と解決を見つけられることを願っているんだよ。
Q8: Why did you choose the title “Bhaisajyaguru” for your debut EP? What was your goal for this EP musically?
【JACK】: “BHAISAJYAGURU”is name of Medicine Buddha. Medicine Buddha Dharani is from Medicine Buddha mantras.
During the severe global epidemic, Dharma Band’s first digital EP, specially selected three spells with different functions.,Respectively 七佛 滅罪真言 Seven Buddhas’ Sin Eradication Dharani、藥師灌頂真言 Medicine Buddha Dharani、如意輪觀音陀羅尼 Cintāmaṇicakra Dharani.
I hope to use music elements with high explosive power and weight,
Enhance the power of accomplishing a vow by a buddha or bodhisattva.Pray all buddhas help us.Wish all living creatures. Remove Karma、Avoid disaster、Remove pain and relieve suffering.Be as lucky as desired.
Q8: デビュー EP に “BHAISAJYAGURU” というタイトルを冠したのはなぜですか?
【JACK】: “BHAISAJYAGURU “は薬師如来の名前なんだ。薬師如来陀羅尼は、薬師如来のマントラなんだよ。
世界的なパンデミックの中、僕たちの最初のデジタルEPは、効能の異なる3つのマントラを特別に選んだんだよ。七仏滅罪真言陀羅尼、藥師灌頂真言薬師仏陀羅尼、如意輪観音陀羅尼 をね。
爆発的なパワーと重さのある音楽要素を使っていきたいね。 全ての仏様が僕たちを助けてくれるように。全ての生き物のために祈りながら。カルマを取り除き、災いを避け、痛みや苦しみを取り除き、望み通りの幸運を手に入れられるようにね。
Faith does not necessarily bring you anything material in life, but when you needed the most, faith can bring you unmeasurable strength.
Thanks for Japan’s assistance to Taiwan during the epidemic. We will use our music to repay Japan.
Wishing all the readers good health and we hope to see you soon someday.
About the band members:
DRUMMER & Band Leader / Jack ● “Best Drummer” award at the Yamaha Asian Beat Competition ● Taiwanese band Lycanthropy drummer, the first independent band in the greater Chinese district where a band recorded and released an album independently, set the stone for Taiwanese indie releases. ● Taiwanese rock band Jack and the Beanstalk drummer ● Drummer for famous Taiwanese rock singer Ardor Huang |
● Released several Taiwanese rock albums, including the first thrash metal album in Taiwan through Sony Music. ● Won the fastest drummer award in a drum competition in China in 2012 ● Founder of Jack’s Studio, taught countless Taiwanese musicians and the band instructor for most Greater Taipei area schools |
BASS / Bull ● Taiwanese black metal band Desecration bassist ● Played at the 2008 Formoz Festival ● Invited to play at Taiwan’s Heartown Festival ● Invited to play at Singapore’s Morbid Metal Festival ● Toured in Japan in December, 20216 |
Master Miao Ben ● Became a monk under Master Hsing Yun, studying at Fo Guang Shan Monastery in 1992 ● Went on to study at Fo Guang University and Chinese Culture University ● Went to Europe with the Fo |
Guang Shan Buddhist Monastic Choir in 1999 ● Worked in the editorial department and advertising department of Fo Guang Shan University’s The Merit Times ● Also served as an editor for many other publications ● Traveled to Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Ningbo, Wutai Mountain, South Korea, Brisbane, Australia and others to further her studies ● Agrees with the philosophy and intention of Dharma, to present the universal value of religious beliefs with alternative music performances, and to bring about the rejuvenation and humanization of beliefs, the promotion of Buddhism, and represent a variety of belief structures in a new way, to further the transmission of righteous thought |
VOCAL / Joe ● Taiwanese horror punk band Sledge City Slashers vocalist ● Taiwanese grindcore band Stench of Lust vocalist ● Taiwanese brutal death metal band Revilement vocalist ● Freelance writer from Canada, published the work of fiction Bu San Bu Si, which talks about Taiwan’s metal and punk music, and Migrante, which explores the world of Taiwan’s migrant worker community ● Travels the world and writes about the local music scenes |
GUITAR / Jon ● Ex-Taiwanese blackened folk metal band Bloody Tyrant guitarist ● Previously endorsed by ESP Guitars Japan ● Fortin Amplification artist ● Participated at numerous Taiwanese music festivals |
● Invited to play at 2018 Pulp Summer Slam in the Philippines ● Toured with international bands such as Equilibrium, Anaal Nathrakh in Japan ● Embarked on an European tour across five countries at the beginning of 2020 |
GUITAR / Andy ● Ex-Taiwanese blackened folk metal band Bloody Tyrant guitarist ● Previously endorsed by ESP Guitars Japan ● Participated in numerous Taiwanese music festivals and played in countries such as Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, etc ● Embarked on a European tour across five countries at the beginning of 2020 ● Produced music for many famous Taiwanese YouTubers ● Taiwanese independent game PÀ GUìoriginal sound track producer |