タグ別アーカイブ: Erectronica



アイルランド出身のMATH-ROCKバンドADEBISI SHANKがマスロック先進国ことここ日本でTELA MELOSなどと共に注目を集めたのは2009年の事でした。
BATTLES,DON CABALLEROHARDCORE/PUNKを掛け合わせたようなアグレッシブなサウンド、来日公演でみせた狂気すぎて弾いてねえ時あるぜパフォーマンス、「完全に一人見た目がヤバすぎる・・・」などの理由により強烈な印象を残したのではないでしょうか。現在注目を集める日本の若手マスロッカーで影響を受けた人も少なくないかもしれませんね。
その彼らの新作「電球マッチョマン」こと”This Is The Third Album Of A Band Called Adebisi Shank”が3年ぶりにSARGENT HOUSEから発売となりました。2ndアルバム「シマウマ」でELECTRONICAへの扉を開いたADEBISI SHANKの最新章はさらにその方向性を推し進め、成熟させた作品となりました。最早1stアルバムで見せたようなトリッキーさは存在しませんが彼らのクリエイティビティーは健在です。
DAFT PUNK的ダンサブルなサイバーロックからELO,MIKE OLDFIELDのようなソフトで情景豊かなサウンド。加えて日本のゲーム音楽のような8-bitまで詰まったおもちゃ箱のような素晴らしいアルバムだと思います。”This Is The Third Album Of A Band Called Adebisi Shank” is exactly “This Is The Album Of A Band Called Adebisi Shank”!!!
あの覆面ベーシスト、VINCENT MACCREITHに解説してもらいましょう。



Q1:Your new album”This Is The Third Album Of A Band Called Adebisi Shank” has just released. How is the reaction?
【Vin】:Reaction is really really positive which is nice because we worked harder on this album probably than anything else we’ve ever worked on in our lives! It seems like people are really into it. It makes us so happy to see people embrace it so fast. It’s the first time that’s happened for us.
Q1: 新作”This Is The Third Album Of A Band Called Adebisi Shank”がリリースされましたね。反響はいかがですか?


Q2:You take a ‘say what you see’ approach to naming records, this time too. Please talk about that approach.
【Vin】:We like to keep things simple! We also feel like the feeling of each album being a step forward from the last. And it should be obvious to people which is the newest album.



Q3:Why did you contract with Sargent House Records?
【Vin】:We loved Cathys attitude and passion and we loved all the bands on the roster. We knew it was the right home for a band like us who are kinda crazy sounding but still want our music to be heard by as wide an audience as possible. We knew she could help. We didn’t know she would become one of our best friends in the process! It’s a family atmosphere and that is so important for us.
Q3:Sargent House Recordsと契約した理由を教えて下さい。


【ABOUT ”This Is The Third Album Of A Band Called Adebisi Shank”


Q1:How have you progressed from “This Is The Second Album Of A Band Called Adebisi Shank”?

【Vin】:That’s a great question! Firstly I think we’re technically more proficient, both on our respective instruments and from a production standpoint. Secondly we’re more confident about what we want sonically and how to get it. Thirdly and most importantly, I think we’ve all become better songwriters and are more determined than ever to make each song unique and special.

Q1:前作”This Is The Second Album Of A Band Called Adebisi Shank”からどのような部分が進化しましたか?




Q1:I think you have a lot of aspect of music. Cyber Metal/Rock, 8-bit like Game Music, Dance, Math/Post Rock,Prog(I think especially German Prog), and Jazz. This is only a part of your music. What is the suitable expression for your music?

【Vin】:I don’t know! I would sum it up by calling it rock music. I think rock is a broad term in that it should make you want to move your body. Beyond that I think genres are just restrictions. I’m happy to let other people figure out what we’re doing, in the meantime I’ll just keep making it! We do love cyber music though.

Q1 :Adebisi Shankの音楽には様々な音楽的要素が入っていますね。Cyber Metal/Rock, 8-bit like Game Music, Dance, Math/Post Rock,Prog(I think especially German Prog), Jazz・・・これでも氷山の一角ですが。我々はなんと呼べば良いでしょうか?


Q2:And do you think you are involved in the movement of Math Rock?
【Vin】:I don’t think so. To be honest I’m not even sure what it means!! But I see it mentioned a lot beside our band. Again I’m happy for people to call us whatever they want but it has no effect on what we do.


Q3:You’re three piece and almost instrumental band. Is that style important for you?
【Vin】:Definitely being a power trio is important to us. Any more than 3 people and it gets too hard to organise things. 3 is important because there can be a disagreement but always a majority, 2 to 1. So things move forward.The last track on our album is called (trio always). Three is a magical number for us. It’s not so important for us to be instrumental. We love the human voice and the robot voice.
Q3 :3ピースでほぼインストというスタイルは重要ですか?

【Vin】間違いなく僕らにとってパワートリオというスタイルは重要だね。3人以上になると物事をオーガナイズするのが大変になってしまう。3人だと多数決を採った時不賛成の人がいても必ず2対1になるからスムーズなんだよ。アルバムの最後の曲を見てよ。(trio always)って曲でしょ。3は僕らにとってマジカルナンバーなんだ。インストであるというのは特に重要ではないね。人間の声もロボットの声も好きだよ。



Q1:Ireland have a lot of good musicians, like U2(off course), My Bloody Valentine, Van Morrison, The Cranberries…Are you influenced a lot by them? And what is the identity of Irish music?
【Vin】:They’re all outstanding artists that you mentioned and I’m sure they all influenced us in different ways, particularily early U2 records, but what I find more inspiring at the moment is the bands currently in Ireland – such as Sunken Foal, Heathers, Solar Bears, No Spill Blood, Jape, Adultrock, Le Galaxie, Spies, The Gloaming, Chequerboard, Girl Band, Tvvins and Speed of Snakes…there are literally so many amazing acts in Ireland at the moment and none of them sound anything like each other. The music scene has never been stronger than right now and we’re proud to be part of it. The Irish identity is therefore one of differing styles but a very high level of musicianship throughout.
Q1:アイルランドはU2, My Bloody Valentine, Van Morrison, The Cranberriesといった偉大なミュージシャンを産出しています。彼らからの影響はありますか?

【Vin】:君が挙げたアーテイストは皆偉大だし当然様々な面で影響を受けているよ。初期のU2からは特にね。ただ今現在よりインスパイアされるのはアイルランドに今存在するバンドなんだ。Sunken Foal, Heathers, Solar Bears, No Spill Blood, Jape, Adultrock, Le Galaxie, Spies, The Gloaming, Chequerboard, Girl Band, Tvvins and Speed of Snakes…アイルランドには今現在素晴らしいバンドが沢山存在するしどれ一つとして似通っていないんだ。ここまでシーンが大きくなった事はないしその一部になれた事を誇りに思うよ。アイルランドのアイデンティティーは様々だけど特筆すべきは高いレベルのミュージシャンシップじゃないかな。

Would you tell me 5 albums that changed your life? And recently what are you listening to?


Ah great question! In no particular order I would say –
Prince: Sign o the Times
Fleetwood Mac: Tusk
Smashing Pumpkins: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
Oingo Boingo: Only a Lad
The Cure: Disintegration
Recently I’ve been listening to Alan Menken, Hudson Mowhake, Planxty, Rush and Haim.


Q: Do you hear Japanese music and play Japanese video games?
And finally,Message for Japanese Fans!
【Vin】:We play far too many video games. I love the Silent Hill games. Also Hideo Kojima’s games like Snatcher right up to the Metal Gear Solid series. I love the atmosphere and excitement of Yu Suzuki’s work. And Final Fantasy VII. We love Japanese bands such as our good friends LITE, Rega and of course Casiopea, Cornelius, Mad Capsule Markets, Zazen Boys, Perfume, and my all time favourite Yellow Magic Orchestra 🙂
Message to our Japanese fans —> TOMODACHI! Mata Nihon ni kimasu! xx

【Vin】:ゲームめちゃくちゃ好きだよ。SILENT HILLシリーズは大好きだよ。小島秀夫監督の作品はSNATCHERからMETAL GEAR SOLIDシリーズに至るまで気に入っているよ。鈴木裕氏の作品の空気感やエキサイトメントも愛しているしFINAL FANTASYⅦも大好きだよ。日本のバンドなら友達のLITE、Regaは勿論、Casiopea, Cornelius, Mad Capsule Markets, Zazen Boys, Perfume、そしてYMOは僕のオールタイムフェイヴァリットだよ。


Thanks a lot,Vin, ADEBISI SHANK,and Sargent House Music!!


JAMBAND? ELECTRO? POST-ROCK? Yeah,I think so. But I’d like to say it’s only ROCK!!




ああ言って置いて何ですが素晴らしいライブバンドです。当初はGREATFUL DEAD,FISHといったようなジャムとエレクトリックミュージックの融合を目指して結成されたバンドなのです。ファンクの要素も加えて踊れるインストに拘り年間のライブ本数は100本を越えます。話が違うじゃないですか・・・


Steve Reichのようなミニマル・ミュージックの要素に、バンド全員が影響を受けたというTORTOISEのような実験性Pat Methenyを敬愛するギタリストはジャジーでサウンドスケーピーなフレーズも奏でます。