9/22に発売となるフランスの奇才八弦師、Clément Belioさんのフルアルバム’CONTRAST’からまさに日本のファンの為の曲KEIRO NO HIを曲解説、メッセージ付で世界独占公開です。
This track is actually the most “japanese” one of the album.
I’ve always loved Japanese music, especially mathrock…
Nah seriously, Japan has the BEST mathrock bands in the world haha, TOE, Lite, Mouse on the keys…
So that song is my humble tribute to them, and especially to Ryuichi Sakamoto and TOE.
Pentatonic scales, fun drums grooves, acoustic guitar, and in the middle of the song, an intense groove between all those elements.
The tittle, “Keirô no Hi”, is as you probably know, a Japanese holiday celebrated annually to honor elderly citizens, and this year I think it was on the 15th of september, which was the first date plan of album release… Also, as my grandmother died recently, so I decided to dedicated that song in particular to her.
Anyway, this is one of the most “authentic” track of the album, because of the multiple LIVE instruments recorded (by yours truly), hope you enjoy… By Clement Belio
この曲はまさにアルバムの中で最も日本的なんだ。僕は本当に日本の音楽が好きで特にMATH ROCKを愛しているよ。いや真剣に日本には世界で最高のMATH ROCKバンドがいるよね、TOE, LITE, MOUSE ON THE KEYS・・・だからこの曲は彼らへの控えめなトリビュートと言えるだろうね。特に坂本教授とTOEへかな。
My most humble tribute to your country is that song…
I’ve always been fascinated by all I could see from Japan, from the mathrock bands to the YouTube videos “wtf japan seriously” haha, from several comics to tv shows…
Well, I really want to come to Japan and see all of this at least one time in my life.
This song reflects that desire and that admiration, I really hope you enjoy that modest tribute to what Japan has best to offer :) By Clement Belio
僕は日本に関するあらゆることにいつも魅了されているからね。MATH-ROCKバンドからYouTubeでみる”wtf japan seriously”(笑)。漫画やテレビも素晴らしいよね。