読者の皆様はAUDIOTREEというシカゴの会社をご存知でしょうか。音楽PVを製作したり、LIVE SESSIONを配信したりと多方面に事業を拡大する音楽業界のセブン&アイホールディングスのような会社です。
彼らのセッションは今や若手ミュージシャンの登竜門的な場所になっており、例えばメタルならVEIL OF MAYA, SCALE THE SUMMIT、オルタナならNOTHING, THE DEAR HUNTER、マスロックならAND SO I WATCH YOU FROM AFAR,THIS TOWN NEEDS GUNSなどなどこれでも氷山の一角で実に錚々たるメンツが出演しています。
そのAUDIOTREEが契約を結んだアーティストが今回特集するTHE SOIL & THE SUNなのです。例えばSIGUR ROS、例えばRADIOHEAD、そんなバンドを思い浮かべました。様々な楽器を使用したアーティスティックな音楽でありながら高いPOPセンスを有していてアトモスフェリック。即座に魅了されました。
Would you introduce about the musical instruments a person in charge of?
【ALEX】“We are a seven piece group with Ashley on keyboards, Joanna on violin, Jacki on keyboards, Michael on bass, Benjamin on drums, Kellen on guitar, and me (Alex) on guitar. ”
なるほど。ダブルキーボードにヴァイオリン。では音楽的影響を聞いてみましょう。彼らの掲げるNEW MEXICAN SPACE MUSIC / EXPERIMENTAL SPIRITUAL ORCHESTRAL ROCKとはいったい何でしょうか?
In your facebook page, you write your genre as New Mexican Space Music / Experiential Spiritual Orchestral Rock. Would you explain about that?
【ALEX】”We don’t really like the idea of having to explain what kind of art we make or being locked into a genre. We’re too close to the project, so we kind of try to leave that up to those who are more capable of seeing the band as a whole from an outsider’s perspective. We all listen to a pretty wide range of music, so I’m sure that’s why you hear a lot of bits and pieces of different styles in there. That’s what’s fun about being in a seven piece band, the whole collaboration aspect. Everybody brings a little bit of themselves into the writing process.”
I heard this album again and again. Every time I hear it, I can find someting new. Deep,beautiful, and emotional music,I think. This album is so much progressed from your works from past. What do you think about that?
【ALEX】”Thank you. I’m glad to hear you think so. I’d like to think that we are growing and improving and moving forward musically, so I hope that those who listen to our music are getting a sense of the progression. We are going to continue to push ourselves to focus our vision while experimenting with new ideas.”
なるほど。ではAUDIOTREEとの契約やプロデューサーのRICK FRITZ(PETER CETERA,BEACH BOYS)について話して貰いましょう。
This is your first album from audiotree. Is that right? Why did you contract with them? And Rick Fritz (Peter Cetera, Beach Boys) produced this album. What did he bring to Meridian?
【ALEX】Yeah, this is our first album with Audiotree. They’re really great people, and they offered us a huge opportunity of recording in their studio with engineer/producer Rick Fritz. We really couldn’t pass it up… it was too much fun. I didn’t want it to end.Rick was just really awesome to work with. He’s a great guy, makes you feel relaxed, and just kind of lets you do your thing. He has a gift for making the pressure of being in the studio disappear. I was blown away by his knowledge of all things recording, technical and musical. I hope we have many more projects together in the future…
【ALEX】うん、AUDIOTREEから初めてのアルバムだよ。素晴らしい人たちでRick Fritzと彼らのあのスタジオでレコーディングする最高の機会をくれたんだ。逃す訳にはいかなかったよ。めちゃくちゃ楽しかったし終わって欲しくなかったくらいだよ。リックと働くのは最高だった。偉大な人物だよ。リラックスさせてくれるしやることは的確に指示してくれる。スタジオでのプレッシャーを減らす天才だろうね。彼のレコーディングに関する知識にはぶっとんだよ。技術的にも音楽的にもね。将来的にも彼ともっと多くのプロジェクトをやれればいいなあ。
Please tell me 5 albums that changed your life. And recently,what are you listening to?
Wow, that’s a big one. It’s a good thing I have put a little thought into this before. In no particular order (except maybe just whatever pops into my head first):
Sigur Ros – Takk
twothirtyeight – You Should Be Living
M. Ward – Transfiguration of Vincent
mewithoutYou – Catch For Us The Foxes
Radiohead – In Rainbows
Right now I’m listening to a lot of Here We Go Magic, M. Ward, Bibio, and Arvo Part.
I am very interested in Japanese culture, In fact, I have been since I was a boy, and it has been a dream of mine for a long time to take a trip to Japan. I’ve been to the airport in Narita a few times… but never set foot on Japanese soil. Message to Japanese fans: Please enjoy the new album, peace be with you, and maybe we’ll see you soon?
ありがとうございました!!Thanks a lot, Alex and THE SOIL & THE SUN!!