以前弊誌で取り上げ大反響を得た US 産モダンプログバンド NATIVE CONSTRUCT。そのデビューアルバム “QUIET WORLD” が遂にリリースされました。先行曲 “MUTE” が名曲過ぎた為、他の楽曲がどうなのか危惧していましたがそれは全くの杞憂でした。デビュー作とは思えない程に洗練されていて同時に新鮮。地球上のあらゆる音楽を詰め込んだのではと思える程にエクレクティックで実験的なのにキャッチーで耳を捉えて離しません。壮大なコンセプトアルバムはバークリー出身者としての音楽的高みを見せつけた内容に仕上がっています。その繊細で幾重にも折り重なるコーラスワークは QUEEN, ひいては以前インタビューを行った A.C.T. を想起させる部分もありますね。METAL BLADE というビッグディティールを獲得したこともあり US でのチャートアクションも極めて良好、内容も素晴らしく、5/20にはボートラを加えて MARQUEE/AVALON から日本盤の発売も決定とあらば直撃する他ありません。彼らの驚異的なテクニック、楽曲構成は BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME からの影響が指摘されていますが、今回のインタビューで意外な繋がりを知る事が出来ました。新世代ギターヒーロー、MYLES YANG です!!
Fueled by a desire to breathe new life into the modern metal genre, Native Construct artfully blends a wide spectrum of compositional influences, ranging from classical all the way to prog metal and musical theatre. The result is a wonderfully unique sonic texture, made up of extended-range guitars, theatrical vocals, and a full complement of symphonic instrumentation. Guitarist and composer Myles Yang’s passion for innovation, coupled with his extensive academic study of arranging and compositional techniques, makes Native Construct a truly distinctive up-and-coming metal act.
“Quiet World is about a guy who loves a girl. The guy is a bit of an odd and eccentric person – an outcast. He’s also a mute, and a little unstable, as it turns out. The girl doesn’t return his feelings, but he can’t bring himself to let go. As his unrequited passion for her devolves into obsession and eventual resentment, his mind begins to slip further and further away. He convinces himself that he can’t be loved because of his condition and abnormalities. So he decides to create for himself a new, fantastic world of which he has complete control – a world where there are no oddballs or outcasts. A world where everyone is surrounded by people who are just like themselves: a much quieter world.
“It’s at this point that the first track of the album, “Mute,” begins. And it turns out that many of the subjects of his new world are not as content living this way as he is. In the second track we see a new character, the Archon, rise up and unite his people in the clouds with the once distant people in the sea. He leads an opposition to “Sinister Silence,” as the people come to call him. The rest of the album unfolds with events within the “Quiet World” and manifestations of the enduring struggle between the Archon and Sinister Silence. The lone exception is track number four, “Your Familiar Face,” which steps out of this world for a moment to give a closer look at the events prior to the first track and the tragedy of Sinister Silence.”
1. Mute
2. The Spark of the Archon
3. Passage
4. Your Familiar Face
5. Come Hell or High Water
6. Chromatic Lights
7. Chromatic Aberration