So fast forward 1 year and 7 months and I have released “Senpai EP II: The Noticing”, the follow up to the first EP. It continues to follow the story of these three girls in the style of a slice of life anime.
“Senpai EP” から1年7ヵ月ぶりに “Senpai EP Ⅱ: The Noticing” をリリースしたよ!!この作品でも、女の子3人の物語を日常系アニメのスタイルで追っているんだ。
(There’s a new girl in there – we’ll get to her later! Artwork by me)
To start with, a little bit of a recap of the first Senpai EP and an introduction to the characters. Senpai EP follows the adventures of 3 girls who love to play progressive metal music and is heavily influenced by slice of life anime, especially K-On!. The main character is Megumi Uehara (上原めぐみ) who is nicknamed Prog-chan (プログちゃん), a 17 year old 2nd year in high school who loves to play the guitar. All Prog-chan wants to do is to have fun and to play music with her friends. Her childhood friend (幼馴染) Hanako Todoroki (轟花子) is also 17 and in her 2nd year of high school and plays bass. She is also her class rep and top student in her year. Finally, we have Mari Matsumoto (松本まり) who is 16 and in her 1st year of high school. She idolises Megumi as her guitar playing Senpai. The first Senpai EP followed the idea of slice of life anime, where it followed a day in the life of the girls. It starts with Megumi being late for school (Oh Shit, I’m Late For School! (やだ、遅刻しちゃう!)), Mari trying to get Megumi-senpai to notice her (Senpai, Please Notice Me! (先輩、私に気付いて下さい!)) and a dream Megumi has while asleep in class where she and her friends are magical girls (魔法少女) trying to battle evil guitar frets (The Power of Love and Friendship! (愛と友情のパワー! )). I hoped to parody anime tropes, yet also convey the feeling you get while listening to anime music with this EP. It also established these three as characters that would appear again in Senpai EP II.
“Senpai EP Ⅱ” の解説を始めるにあたって、まず少しだけ “Senpai EP” のおさらいと、キャラクター紹介をしておこう。
“Senpai EP” はプログメタルをプレイするのが大好きな3人の少女が繰り広げるアドベンチャーで、日常系アニメ、特に “けいおん!” に強く影響を受けていたんだ。
“Senpai EP” の1作目は、日常系のアニメにアイデアを得て、彼女たちの日常を追ったものだったんだ。EP はめぐみが学校に遅刻しそうな場面から始まるよ (Oh Shit, I’m Late For School! (やだ、遅刻しちゃう!) )。
まりはめぐみ先輩に気づいてもらおうとしていてね (Senpai, Please Notice Me! (先輩、私に気付いて下さい!))。
めぐみが授業中に居眠りしていて見た夢は、彼女と友達が魔法少女となり悪のギターフレットとバトルするものだったんだ (The Power of Love and Friendship! (愛と友情のパワー! ))。
つまり僕は、この作品でアニメのトロープスをパロディーすることで、アニソンを聴いている時の感覚を伝えることが出来ればと思ったんだよ。”Senpai EP Ⅱ” にも登場する3人のキャラクターを確立することも出来たしね。
(The three girls, from left to right: Mari (まり), Megumi (めぐみ) and Hanako (花子). Artwork by Ulrich)
The first track, Summer Break! (夏休み!) is about how as soon as the summer holidays start, Megumi makes a plan for her and her friends to have fun in the summer. This is her plan:
アルバムオープナー、”Summer Break! (夏休み!)” では、夏休みが始まるやいなや、めぐみが友人たちと夏を満喫出来るように夏休みの計画を立てるんだ。これが彼女のプランだよ。
Like in so many anime, they go to the beach, go to a summer festival and similar to K-On!, they have a summer band training camp. Except at the camp they don’t practise and just play all the time! At the end of the summer holidays Megumi releases that she hasn’t done her homework! All standard fare for slice of life anime. (All artwork is by me unless otherwise stated)
多くのアニメと同様に、彼女たちはビーチへと出かけ、夏祭りにも参加するよ。”けいおん!” に似ているね。夏のバンド合宿も行うんだ。合宿以外では、練習なんてしないでずっと遊んでいるんだよ!
The second track, It’s the Second Season, So We Need a New Character After All! (もう2クール目だし、新キャラ登場させなきゃね!) is very long! It’s meant to be a parody of very long light novel titles, like KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! (この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!) and Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist (下ネタという概念が存在しない退屈な世界 ). It’s a bit of a joke at how light novel and anime based on light novels are so long! There isn’t much in the story, I just wanted to draw the girls in silly disguises doing the famous ‘Gendo Ikari pose’ from Neon Genesis Evangelion. They are pretending to be board members of an anime company trying to make a successful second season to an anime.
セカンドトラック、”It’s the Second Season, So We Need a New Character After All! (もう2クール目だし、新キャラ登場させなきゃね!)” はとても長いタイトルだね!
これはね、とても長いタイトルのライトノベルのパロディーなんだよ。”このすば” (この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!) とか、”下セカ “(下ネタという概念が存在しない退屈な世界 ) のようなね。いかにライトノベルや、それをベースとしたアニメのタイトルが長いかという、ちょっとしたジョークなんだよ!
この曲にはあまりストーリーは存在しないんだ。キャラクターたちを “新世紀エヴァンゲリオン” の有名な “碇ゲンドウポーズ” のバカげた仮装で描きたかっただけなんだよね。彼女たちは、アニメのセカンドシーズンを成功させようとしているアニメ会社の会議を再現しているのさ。
(The famous Gendo Ikari pose I wanted to parody!)
But at the end of the song, we see a new character appear! And she seems to want to confront Megumi for some reason!
This new character is called Reina Sugiyama (杉山玲奈), who is 17 years old and in her second year of high school. She went to middle school with Megumi and Hanako and was amazed by Megumi’s guitar playing. She was a very shy and awkward girl however, and thought that she couldn’t be friends with Megumi unless she could learn to play guitar as well as Megumi. This poor girl really just wants to make friends, but she doesn’t really know how.
玲奈は “このすば” のゆんゆんがベースとなったキャラクターなんだ。
This brings us to our third track, A Rival Appears! (ライバル出現!). Reina appears out of nowhere and challenges Megumi to a guitar battles. In the years since middle school, Reina has become very tsundere and changed her image after going to a different high school to Megumi and Hanako!
3曲目は “A Rival Appears! (ライバル出現!)”。玲奈がどこからともなく現れ、めぐみにギターバトルを挑むんだ。玲奈はめぐみ、花子と別々の高校に進んでいるんだ。中学の頃とはイメージが変わって、めちゃくちゃツンデレになったんだね。
However, unfortunately for Reina, Megumi’s memory for anything other than guitar is terrible. Reina is not pleased by this.
So the girls eventually have their guitar battle and it turns out that Reina is very, very bad at guitar. Her excuse is that she’s actually a drummer and that she thought she needed to become good at guitar to be friends with Megumi. Megumi, Hanako and Mari need a drummer in their band so they get excited and ask if she really can play the drums. Reina is happiest when she is playing drums so she can’t help but glow and show her love for the instrument. This endears her to Megumi who immediately asks her to be their friend and join their band. Reina is very bad at making friends, so she can’t help but be very happy that she somehow made new friends despite appearing as a rival to Megumi!
The fourth track is The Noticing! (ザ・ノーティシング!), where the girls try to practise but fail!
4曲目は “The Noticing! (ザ・ノーティシング!)”。彼女たちは練習しようとするんだけど、やっぱり無理なんだ!
The main part of the story in the song is when Megumi says to Mari that she’ll be playing half of the guitar solos in the band from now on. Megumi realises how good a player Mari and thinks her talent is wasted just playing rhythm. Mari is incredibly excited as her senpai who she idolises has finally noticed her!
The final song Anime as Leaders (The Woven Weeab) is a play on Animals as Leaders and their song The Woven Web. I thought it would be funny to change Animals to Anime and Web to Weeab. In English slang, we call non-Japanese people who are obsessed with anime weeaboos, weeabs or weebs. In the song I try to use Tosin Abasi’s signature thump technique while still trying to retain the upbeat feel of anime music. In the story of the song, Anime as Leaders is a huge band that Megumi and her friends go to see live.
アルバムクローサー、”Anime as Leaders (The Woven Weeab)” は ANIMALS AS LEADERS と彼らの楽曲 “The Woven Web” で言葉遊びをしてみたんだ。Animal を Anime に、Web を Weeab に変えたら面白いと思ったんだよ。英語のスラングでは、日本人じゃないアニメオタクのことを weeaboos, weeabs, weebs と呼ぶんだ。
この楽曲では、Tosin Abasi のトレードマークであるスラップのテクニックを、アニメミュージックのアップビートな雰囲気を保ちながら取り入れてみたよ。
ストーリーは、めぐみと彼女の友達が偉大なバンドである “ANIME AS LEADERS” のライブに行くという話だよ。
So that’s the story of Senpai EP II! It’s just a few high school girls who love prog metal wanting to have fun. They also make a new friend along the way as well! Hope you all enjoy listening to Senpai EP II: The Noticing and watching the story on the YouTube video!
これが “Senpai EP Ⅱ”の全てだよ!プログメタルを愛する女子高生たちの物語。新しい友達も増えたね!みんなが “Senpai EP II: The Noticing” を楽しんでくれたら嬉しいな。YouTube のストーリービデオもチェックしてみてね!